New records of rare and endangered macromycetes in Khanty-Mansiysk region
Zvyagina E.A.

Yugansky natural reserve, Surgutskiy district


The results of field studies (from 2005 to 2011) of rare fungi in the forest, wetland and mountain ecosystems are presented. Our study locations are situated in the central, eastern and western parts of Khanty-Mansiysk region (Western Siberia): in the Bolshoy Yugan basin near Ugut village and in the Yuganskiy nature reserve, in the Bolshoy Salym basin near Salym village, in the Lyamin basin near Lyantor and north of Seliyarovo, in the middle and lower reaches of the river Vakh, in the upper reaches of the river Volya. Specimens were collected by standard methods and stored in the herbarium of the Yuganskiy nature reserve and Komarov Botanikal Institute RAS (LE).  The annotated species list includes information about the findings of 23 species: Ascocoryne turficola (Boud.) Korf (Geoglossaceae), Boletopsis grisea (Peck) Bondartsev et Singer (Bankeraceae), Chroogomphus flavipes (Peck) O.K. Mill (Gomphidiaceae), Clavariadelphus pistillaris (L.) Donk (Clavariadelphaceae), Clavariadelphus truncatus (Quél.) Donk (Clavariadelphaceae), Conocybe cyanopus (G.F. Atk.) Kühner (Bolbitiaceae), Cortinarius violaceus (L.) Gray (Cortinariaceae), Entoloma poliopus (Romagn.) Noordel. (Entolomataceae), Fomitopsis cajanderi (P. Karst.) Kotl. et Pouzar (Fomitopsidaceae), Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P. Karst. (Ganodermataceae), Gomphus clavatus (Pers.) Gray (Gomphaceae), Gyroporus cyanescens (Bull.) Quél (Gyroporaceae), Lentinus pilososquamulosus L.N. Vassiljeva (Polyporaceae), Lichenomphalia hudsoniana (H.S. Jenn.) Redhead, Lutzoni, Moncalvo et Vilgalys (Hygrophoraceae), Limacella illinita var. rubescens H.V. Sm. (Amanitaceae), Omphalina discorosea (Pilát) Herink et Kotl. (Tricholomataceae), Phaeolepiota aurea (Matt.) Maire (Agaricaceae), Pluteus fenzlii (Schulzer) Corriol et P.A. Moreau (Pluteaceae), Polyporus squamosus (Huds.) Fr (Polyporaceae), Polyporus tubaeformis (P. Karst.) Ryvarden et Gilb. (Polyporaceae), Royoporus badius (Pers.) A.B. De (Polyporaceae), Sarcosoma globosum (Schmidel) Casp. (Sarcosomataceae), Suillus spectabilis (Peck) Kuntze (Suillaceae). For each species the following items are reported: latin name, author, family, IUCN (2010) categories and criteria of rarity and vulnerability of these species in Khanty-Mansiysk region, information about district, river’s basin, community types, substrate, abundance, collector and  collection’s number. Chroogomphus flavipes, Clavariadelphus truncatus, Conocybe cyanopus, Entoloma poliopus, Lentinus pilososquamulosus, Limacella illinita var. rubescens, Phaeolepiota aurea, Suillus spectabilis are new species for the Khanty-Mansiysk region. This work contributes to the knowledge about distribution of rare fungi in Khanty-Mansiysk region.  

Key words: macromycetes, rare species, IUCN categories and criteria, Khanty-Mansiysk region. 

Citation: Zvyagina E.A. 2012. New records of rare and endangered macromycetes in Khanty-Mansiysk region //  Environmental dynamics and climate change. V. 3. №. 1(5). EDCCrar0004.

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